Fail Well. Fail Successfully

Failing is inevitable, every once in a while. Fail well. Fail successfully!

Success is kind of overrated in our society; we are trained to succeed, we are expected and paid to succeed. Yet, one can’t win “all” and remain sane. Spare a moment for the less-celebrated twin. Imagine if there is no failure interspersed, consistent success would create monsters, out of otherwise nice people. Success is a transitionary phase on the path which more often than not presents failure, yet another transitionary phase in itself. So, if failure is inevitable, we’d rather fail well.

Failure is an unintended outcome of a process merely, and not necessarily a “bad” outcome always. In fact, some unintended or accidental results of experiments (read failures) have resulted in phenomenal success either instantly or at a different time. Penicillin, plastic, our beloved Coca-Cola, this tiny engineering marvel which beats like the heart (pacemaker) are all results of failed experiments. Thank *** for those failures (which failed well).

While at it, let’s not look forward to failing. By all means, let’s expect everything we do to succeed but be more tolerant and respective of failure when that happens; more importantly, not be afraid of it. Let’s be a sport and take it in our stride (remember when you’re playing against worthy opponents like you do when you take on life, fate, your dreams or other people, the probability of success is not 100% ever). Fail often. Fail well. Keep failing until you succeed.

The best course is to remain neutral to and stay unaffected by success or failure, but alas, only the best amongst men (as in people) can do that. Hence, let’s take the easier alternative of embracing failure, accepting the fact that things don’t necessarily pan out the way we intended (always) and make peace with the situation, and may I say – celebrate failure! For what is failing well, if we can’t enjoy being taught by the best teacher there is.

Take a deep breath, introspect (as to what could’ve been done differently) and carry on the journey. When life drops you; it only wants to see you bounce back, higher. Bouncing back each time one gets dropped is what separates ‘winners’ from the rest.

Fail Well Fail Successfully

Bouncing back and keeping at it, when you’re NOT at your best, is what has gotten results to each one, every single time that (s)he has yearned for anything.

Life could get rough, really tough at times and the goal you’ve set could appear distant. When that happens, don’t waste time procrastinating or cursing your luck, because that is what it really is – waste of time. Instead, start bouncing back from that very moment you fall (or fail), to get the headstart and gain momentum. There will be better times to rest. Now’s the time to be bouncing back.

Collect all you’ve got, analyze the situation and by all means, make course corrections where warranted, and bounce back. Take advice from friends, learn from your experience and others’, think and be positive, work harder and you’re sure to be bouncing back. Sounds simple, but not easy without your perseverance, that is.

Fail well. Fail successfully! – Article by Niranjan Reddyshetty

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