Celebrate! You Are a Celebrity

Once, as I was seated in the antechamber at my dentist’s in Mumbai for an appointment, a well-known senior Hindi film actor entered.  Seeing the dentist’s inner chamber occupied, he too had to wait.   The veteran actor, while waiting, stared continuously at me, expecting not only recognition but also worshipping. For a good twenty minutes that the two of us were seated, the staring turned to glaring. Much used to being fawned upon by admirers, the actor was annoyed at me, “so what if you are a celebrity?” attitude. As you might have rightly guessed, when it was my turn, the dentist summoned the actor in before me. The dentist and the celebrity were both guilty and unashamed at having violated an unwritten law – give the common man his due.

In India, cinema, cricket and politics override ethics and decency. Film stars, cricketers, and politicians are human beings, and rules and laws prevailing and binding on us are applicable to them too in equal measure. What is it then that makes them different? Simply, the confidence that they can actually do what the common man can only think of doing. This capability is no excuse for a celebrity to not only demand admiration, but also to break rules and laws, more so in India.


It is essential for the common man to make celebrities aware that commonness is special and powerful. Considering yourself common should not deprive you of your talent. Each one of us has uniqueness within. Sit down and make a list of your skills. You will find that you too have it within you. While you are at it, for a moment, pause and think of any celebrity that you know who is aware of your existence and how you struggle to make a living. You, on the other hand, not only know but are also keen on knowing the most trivial of details of a celebrity’s lifestyle.

Here, you will argue that a celebrity earns much more than your humble self. For the celebrity, there’s not just safety but also prosperity in numbers. And you, as a common man, contribute a lot to that prosperity. Celebrities are laughing all the way to the bank, happy in the knowledge that you, in addition to millions of others, are more than willing to lap up whatever their performances have on offer. If entertainment is what you are on this earth for, then hundreds of channels, thousands of games on your mobile phones and a host of multiplexes in a number of towns and cities aren’t enough. By all means, go after it. But when entertainment, in whatever form it may be, becomes the be-all and end-all of your existence, it’s time to draw a line.

There are countless human beings craving ***-like treatment. When it comes to behaving like Gods, however, they are not at all interested in justice and in treating everyone fairly. I changed my dentist long ago. When are you going to change yours?

Common man as Celebrity

Introspect, reach out to yourself with care, delve deep down and you will most certainly find a celebrity within. There’s nothing to lose but your anonymity. And, losing your anonymity, believe me, is reason enough to celebrate. There is a celebrity within each one of us. You have only to draw him/her out. And yes, when you start getting acknowledged as a celebrity, don’t you dare lose your commonness! –  Cheers!

–  Article by Vinay Sethi

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